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Presidential Hills Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade

In 2009, the City of Jackson’s Presidential Hills Wastewater Treatment Plant, in northwest Jackson, Mississippi, was required  to be upgraded to meet the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit limits or cease discharging from the facility.  In 2012, SOL Engineering Services was hired by the City of Jackson to provide surveying, engineering, design, construction management,  project closeout and warranty period services to upgrade the plant from a 0.75 MGD aerated lagoon treatment facility to a 0.75 MGD Sequencing Batch Reactor Activated Sludge Treatment Plant.


SOL provided project management, quality assurance and quality control services.  SOL performed the cost and qualitative analysis to determine the most feasible option out of five alternatives identified to achieve the objectives of the project. SOL developed the site plans and specifications which consisted of potable and fire water mains, gravity and force main sanitary sewer, electrical distribution, site layout, paving, grading, storm drainage, landscaping, erosion control, storm water pollution prevention plan and preparing drainage calculations.  Surveying services consisted of a bathymetric survey of the two lagoons and topographic survey of the 18.5 acre project site.  The treatment plant consisted of site layout and grading, structural, electrical, process, mechanical, control and instrumentation plans and specifications for the influent pump station, preliminary treatment facility, sequencing batch reactors, equalization basin, filtration, ultraviolet disinfection, electrical building, yard piping and appurtenances.  


This project’s design won the 2015 Engineering Excellence Award from ACEC. 

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